[Gardening] Spring Time Garden Preparation Tips For Success

[Gardening] Spring Time Garden Preparation Tips For Success

As the weather begins to warm up as we begin to transition from winter to spring, it is now the time of year to begin your new garden preparation.  Have you considered growing an early spring garden?  If so, here are some tips you may want to consider in your...

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[Gardening] What Do Wood Chips Have To Do With Organic Gardening?

[Gardening] What Do Wood Chips Have To Do With Organic Gardening?

Many are always seeking a new and better way to grow amazing gardens that result in bountiful harvests.  Some believe that organic is a better and healthier alternative to what some may consider traditional gardening methods.  IN this video, see what wood chips have to do with organic gardening and what this can do to help your vegetable plants and...

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[Gardening] Growing Eggplant Vegetables Like A Pro

[Gardening] Growing Eggplant Vegetables Like A Pro

Eggplant is one of the most eye appealing vegetables, but also is one of the least liked of the vegetables.  I guess you either like them or you don’t.  Eggplants come in many varieties and shapes and sizes.  Knowing how to grow eggplants and the requirements is key to a successful harvest.  In this video, learn how to best start and care for these interesting of the home grown...

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[Gardening] Garden Hacks To Save Time & Money This Garden Season

[Gardening] Garden Hacks To Save Time & Money This Garden Season

Those of us that simply enjoy the outdoors and can’t waiting to get into our garden are sometimes frustrated with things that can occur outside of our control.  Such as pesky critters that visit your garden to eat your fresh produce before you get the chance to harvest it.  Or perhaps wanting a better way to manage potted plants.  Here are some garden hacks that you may find...

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[Gardening] DIY Space Limited Patio Container Gardening Solution

[Gardening] DIY Space Limited Patio Container Gardening Solution

Vegetable gardening is a favorite pastime for many people of all ages.   A garden requires yard space and depending on the size of your garden you want to plant can require a much larger lot.  A solution to this challenging problem is growing your organic vegetables in containers.  This adds some nice plants to your backyard at the same time provides a nice fresh harvest of vegetables, so it can service more than purpose.  In this...

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[Gardening] Create A Tranquil Garden Experience

[Gardening] Create A Tranquil Garden Experience

Water is one of the most soothing natural sounds that is made from a garden or landscaping area.  Water can easily provide a relaxing, yet almost tranquil natural audio soothing sounds of many other natural elements.  Adding water that slowly has motion to your garden or landscape can add much more than just a gorgeous site, but also auditory effects that are positively impactful.  In this video,see how this can be impactful to your...

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