[Fertilizer] Benefits Of Using Organic Fertilizer vs Chemical-Based Fertilizer
There seems to be a long standing opposition when it comes to using organic fertilizer vs. chemical-based fertilizer (store purchased). Which have you used and what were your results? The nice thing about organic fertilizers is that you can provide these ingredients from the everyday food you already eat, for example banana peels or egg shells. In this video, get some valuable tips you may have yet...
[Fertilizer] Why Organic Fertilizers?
The pleasure and outcome of growing your own garden is having the control over knowing and understanding what is being added to your soil and ultimately to your produce you and your family eats. So why use organic fertilizers over the chemical based fertilizers? Aren’t the chemical based approved for editable consumption of fruits and vegetables. In this video, get the details to truly understand the...
[Fertilizer] Are Tea Leaves Actually An Organic Garden Fertilizer Ingredient?
The common gardener that takes into account the ingredients in their soil, water and fertilizer to keep all things natural and chemical free, is the goal in their mission of organic gardening. Some believe that only using natural ingredients to create an organic atmosphere for their designated garden area as sacred has become very important. So one must ask the quest, are tea leaves actually truly an organic ingredient to fertilizer...
[Fertilizer] Choosing The Right Fertilizer Can Make All The Difference For Your Tomatoes
Knowing your fertilizers to assist in your plant or tree grow is as essential as it gets when it comes to controlling your harvesting success. Growing tomatoes is no different. Knowing and understanding what you are placing into your soil is as important as knowing what your plants are absorbing by your application. In this video, see how to grow amazing tomatoes with less work with these...
[Fertilizer] Why Is Molasses The Missing Ingredient In Your Garden Fertilizer?
Do you make it a practice to fertilize your garden throughout the gardening season? What brands or type of fertilizer to you regularly use in your garden? Do you practice organic gardening, the use of natural nutrients in your garden? The use of organic fertilizers can benefit your garden in so many ways, this video provides the details on how molasses positively impacts your garden’s...
[Fertilizer] DIY Homemade Organic Fertilizer Recipes – Make It Free
Organic garden starts with using organic or natural based nutrients. Of course, some may call if organic, but when you get down to it there always seems to be some chemical or additive that has been added unknowingly to your garden through stare purchased products or fertilizers. In this video, see how to can make your own organic fertilizer using a homemade recipe for...