[Gardening] How To Grow Rosemary Inside & Outside

4013757055_ddc8b22cd9_zProposed ideas for increasing rosemary inside and outside of your home. This herb is made use of in lots of recipes and you can hire this herb and increase to its best to make your dishes have a fantastic taste. In 2000, rosemary was selected as Herb of the Year by the International Natural herb Association, and it’s easy to see why. This aromatic evergreen is an essential cooking area natural herb, it’s made use of as an ornamental aspect in the garden, and it is used in aromatherapy.

Rosemary is a member of the Labiatae or mint family, and it grows as an evergreen perennial shrub in mild-wintered regions of the world. Its Latin name, Rosmarinus officinalis, means “dew of the sea,” a reference to its Mediterranean roots.

But I don’t live in anything like a Mediterranean climate. Here in Minnesota, conditions are less than ideal for growing rosemary, but I don’t let this deter me. Still, growing rosemary indoors in the winter can be a challenge. It is easy to nurture and care for indoor rosemary too much. Excess water will damage the roots and cause the plant to die, so I let the soil dry, then water thoroughly. Rosemary needs a southern exposure, and my kitchen window is perfect for this.

When I was first learning about rosemary, it struck me that there is a great deal of variability within the genus Rosmarinus. The many cultivars offer diverse plant shapes and flower color, as well as a range of foliage color and subtly different flavors (both leaves and flowers are edible).

Propagate by cuttings

Most rosemaries are cultivars or clones, which are propagated by cuttings. Growing rosemary from seed typically results in low germination and excessive plant variation. With cuttings, the plants are always identical to the stock plant. Rosemary is easy to propagate, and sometimes roots will develop even in a glass of water on a sunny windowsill. I have found that the best time of year to take cuttings is in the late fall and early winter.

Good drainage and full sun keep rosemary thriving

Rosemary is easily grown in a garden with full sunlight (six to eight hours a day) and good drainage; these are the essential requirements. Well-rotted manure added to the garden soil will encourage new growth, but it’s not usually necessary.

Bringing rosemary indoors

In the fall, when the temperature dips to 30ºF, it’s time to bring rosemary indoors. Successfully growing rosemary indoors requires good sunlight—the more the better — and ideally a southern exposure. If the plant is large, rotate it weekly so all sides of the plant receive sunlight. Wiry growth often indicates inadequate light, and if you can’t increase natural light, consider using artificial light. You can also prune plants to encourage bushiness. Indoor plants sometimes develop powdery mildew because of lack of air circulation. If this occurs, run a small (3-inch) fan for three to four hours a day. I’ve noticed that the creeping varieties grow and tolerate dry interior air better than the upright varieties.

For more information visit Rosemary Outdoors and In

Image Source: Kricket

Author: CuriousCultivator

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