[Gardening] Tips For The Summertime

7170027873_ba7a27535d_zSuccessful summer gardening tips, set…get ready…go.  Summer gardening tips can help you deal with the heat and humidity of the season.  Summer like all other seasons brings a set challenges, obligations and traditions. This is the climatic condition when some things need to be taken care off in the garden. Beginning summer time is a transition point with some blooming flowers passing away back and summer time bed sheets coming into full flowers to offer its high coloring. Pests and ailments are as popular as ever so taking fast action when they appear will often stop the actual and keep it from distributing out of control. Keep your lawn looking its best by weeding regularly and consistently dead-heading boundary vegetation. The first and foremost activity is to watch out for the seasonal insects and take precaution for it. Make sure that you are not eliminating everything you see because some can prove to be beneficial for the plants. You would also need to do some pest control such as releasing some insect like ladybug in the garden.

Summer Gardening Tips – Dealing With Heat and Humidity

These good insects prevent the pests from causing any harm to the plants. The weather in summer is quite humid and moist. This is the most favorable condition for the growth of molds and fungus. This raises the requirement for the change in watering time. Instead of watering at night the plants should be kept almost dry and the appropriate time for watering is in the morning. Pruning is an activity which can be done on any season if required. It should carefully seen which are the parts of the plants which needs to be pruned and enhance their proper growth. Summer is a good time to re mulch, remove the infected leaves and continue the efforts to eliminate weeds.

Summer Gardening Tips – Dealing With Growth

Some of the ornamental plants are gravely affected by mildew which leaves a white mark with powdery substance on the leaves. These are one type of fungus which is awful for the plants and should be removed using fungicides. Another type of active fungus is the fire blight which are active during the summer. The symptoms of this fungus attack are the branches of the plant will turn red and start to die. When you are sure that fire blight has affected your plants just eliminate the infected area and burn those eliminated parts immediately. Summer is the time when you can keep up and care for your garden with minimum effort every alternate day. You would just have to keep an eye on the harmful substances and prevent you garden from ruining. Help the plants to grow to their optimum capacity by pruning the unnecessary parts and start watering in the morning to keep them fresh. Finally, consider planting new seasonal flowers and vegetables to extend your garden.  These summer gardening tips will help you have a successful garden during the heat of the summer.

For more information visit source: Summer Gardening Tips

Image Source: Karen Roe

Author: CuriousCultivator

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